Thursday, July 12, 2012

Are you as healthy as you would like to be? Are some people blessed with the perfect health gene or are there other factors in play here?
As a holistic nutritionist, acupuncturist, and natural health expert for  12 years, I have witnessed how thoughts create reality time and time again. I believe that our thoughts, limiting beliefs, and unexpressed feelings can make us sick. As a Lyme survivor, I know my positive words and thoughts, combined with my healthy lifestyle and diet, directly impact my vibrant health.
There are many factors that influence your level of health. How you view health and dis-ease has much to do with what you learned growing up. Every family has their own cultural norms around health. I call these belief systems downloaded “blueprints”. Someone else designed them, perhaps generations ago, and they have been systematically reinforced for years and then become your reality. For instance, some families are very attached to illness and the ritual that goes with caring for the sick. Other families are in total denial about their lack of health and continue unhealthy behaviors. And then there are those families who believe in the power that positive spiritual and emotional well-being can have on physical well-being, and vice versa.
Health Assessment
Are you experiencing a health challenge? Would like to be healthier? Have you tried but failed to create better health? If so, take time to answer the questions below. Your answers will help you understand the effect your downloaded H*E*A*L*T*H blueprint is having on your current state of dis-ease. Once your downloaded blueprint is brought up from the basement of your unconscious into the light of the conscious mind, you will get clarity. Clarity is the beginning of drawing up your very own health blueprint.
  • Growing up were you and/or family members often sick?
  • What were the eating habits in your home? Was fast food a common meal choice?
  • Was physical fitness/activity valued?
  • Did you play outside or spend a lot of time watching television?
  • Did you lose any family members to illness?
  • Was there an emphasis on preventive care?
  • As a child did you think about illness?
  • Was smoking, drinking, or drug use common in your household?
  • What is the average life span of family members?
Allow Yourself the Possibility of a Healthier You
Review your answers and take your time marinating and meditating on the way it was in your childhood home and how it felt. Developing a clear picture of how it was will bring the blueprint you have been rocking into focus. With your limiting beliefs now in the forefront of your mind, you can start to draw the new, improved blueprint and make life-enhancing decisions in line with this blueprint.
I know that you have the power to positively influence your health, if that is your desire. All change requires work. The power of your intention is mind blowing. I hope you are inspired to harness that power to create more vibrant health today.
As always I am here for support and cheer you on!


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